After the elections of the new Staff Council, the Staff Association Assizes on 29 and 30 November 2021

Life within the Staff Association (SA) is punctuated - on a daily basis - by the circumstances in which it must invest, while respecting its own Statutes. These define its tasks and duties, the first of which is the representation and defense of personnel’s rights in the broadest sense. But there are also other formal and important moments that are unavoidable.
Among these obligations, one is unavoidable. Every two years, elections are held to reconstitute the Staff Council that will work for the next two years. Since its creation, the Council has worked in many ways and on many issues for the common good. And its members are also your close ambassadors to our leaders. They can help you, answer your questions or point you in the right direction to try and solve your problem.
Only SA members who have paid their membership fees can vote for colleagues who have stood for election. This is what we have experienced in recent weeks, with success. Indeed, despite the difficulties of face-to-face meetings inherent to the current pandemic, the electoral process went very well, a big thank you to our Secretariat!
And congratulations to all of you, as we are pleased to welcome 15 new delegates to the Staff Council for the 2022/2023 mandate (you can find the complete list below).
Before they take up their duties, the Association offered them a special welcome. On Monday 29 November, for half a day, experienced SA delegates briefed them on the current dossiers within the various committees in which the Association is represented. Then, on next day, there was the plenary session of the Council that continued this initiation during one whole day. These are the Association's “Assizes”, an important day for meeting, exchanging and learning.
The meeting was held at the Globe on 30 November, both face-to-face and remotely. The morning activities started with a very comprehensive activity report for the period 2020/2021 given by the President of the SA. After a short break, the rest of the morning consisted of a series of presentations on the recent and future activities of the various internal commissions: employment conditions, social protection, legal affairs, pensions, health and safety and many other subjects. The outgoing members of the Council were also thanked.
The afternoon was traditionally reserved for discussion on the near future of the Association, i.e. what are the deadlines for the current dossiers - and there are many, as the President reminded us! - and which team will be in place to continue the work. For the first part, the debates were intense because of important pending issues are, such as Le Jardin des Particules and collecting of the SA membership fees, not to mention the end of the Five-yearly review.
As for the second part, in view of the current situation of relations with the Management, which is mobilizing all the forces of both the Council and the Executive Committee in office, it was decided to postpone these important discussions to the next meeting of the Staff Council, on 14 December.
*Any member of the Association can consult the detailed results upon request at the Staff Association Secretariat.