General Assembly: Proposed amendments to the Statutes of the Staff Association

Members of the Staff Association are invited to attend the Association's General Meeting (AGM), to be held on April 9 at 10:00 am, in room 774/R-013 (Prévessin).
The General Assembly in ordinary session shall be competent, in particular, to:
- discuss and approve the activity report and financial report prepared and presented by the outgoing Executive Committee in January;
- ratify any amendments to the Statutes adopted by the Staff Council;
- set out the bases of the general action of the Association and perform any other duties compatible with these Statutes;
- approve, after any amendments, the subscription rates and the budget recommended by the Staff Council.
In accordance with Article XI.1.2 of the Staff Association's Statutes, the following provisions apply: Any proposal submitted to a General Assembly must be published by the Staff Association, including on the Association notice board, at least two weeks before the date of the General Assembly. The proposal must be communicated at the same time as the agenda.
This year, several amendments were approved by the Staff Council at its meeting on March 25, 2025. You will find them below, in red, with their justification.
Modification |
Justification |
Preamble the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedom (1950) and its additional Protocols, proclaimed by the Council of Europe, as interpreted by the European Court of Human Rights; the Headquarters Agreement between the Swiss Confederation and CERN of 11 June 1955 and the Statutory Agreement between the French Republic and CERN of 13 September 1965, revised on 16 June 1972, taking due account of the clarifications and interpretations contained in the relevant exchanges of letters. |
The texts of the Convention and its Protocols are not the only ones to be considered, but also the evolving interpretations of case law and the specific context of CERN and its relations with host States. |
Article V.2.2 a Attendance at meetings of the Staff Council Delegates must attend diligently meetings of the Staff Council and remain available for its work. |
Spelling correction in FR version. |
Article V.2.3 Election 1 Elections shall be held every two years during the fourth quarter of odd-numbered years leading to a renewal of all seats.. 2 The distribution of seats to be filled shall be determined in accordance with the Rules for Election. This distribution must guarantee a fair representation between the different organic units and categories of staff. 3 Staff delegates representing members of personnel employed by the Organisation shall be elected by members of the Association of the electoral college to which they belong, in accordance with the Rules for Election established by the Staff Council. 4 Staff delegates representing non staff members shall be elected in accordance with the Rules for Election established by the Staff Council. |
Reorganisation of sections with no change in content. Exchange between sections 1 and 3. |
Article V.2.3 a Cooptation 1 The Staff Council, on the proposal of the President of the Staff Association, may co-opt a candidate who stood in the last elections to fill each seat not filled on the Staff Council or following a resignation, namely:
2 Decisions to co-opt will be voted on by the Staff Council and the members will be informed. 3 The number of delegates co-opted in this way may not exceed 10% of the number of seats on the Staff Council. |
Codifying the process |
Article V.2.8 Replacement 1 Should a staff delegate resign, have his status cancelled or be dismissed the Staff Council may decide to proceed by co-optation or to hold a by-election in his electoral college to replace him. 2 The replacement staff delegate shall terminate the mandate of the staff delegate he replaces. 3 A by-election may be held at any time during the year. |
Opens up replacement options |
Article V.4.6 Closed session 1 On the proposal of the Executive Committee or a staff delegate, supported by a second delegate, the Staff Council may decide by a vote to hold a closed session to deliberate a specific subject. |
Codifying the practice |
Article V.5.2 Voting 4 On the request of a delegate eligible to vote on the subject in question, supported by another such delegate, the Staff Council may decide by vote to proceed to a secret ballot. In such an event, a vote by calling over names may not be requested. Secret ballots are counted under the supervision of the Chairperson of the meeting by a person who is not entitled to take part in the vote on the matter in question. |
Codifying the practice |
Article V.5.5 Quorum 2 The quorum shall be verified by the session chairman before each vote and recorded in the minutes of the meeting. |
Codifying the practice |
Article VI.1.1 Composition 1 The Executive Committee shall comprise a minimum of nine members of the Staff Council representing staff members with as fair a representation of the electoral colleges and benchmark job categories of staff members as possible; and |
By integrating the benchmark job categories, the Executive Committee aims to more accurately reflect the diversity of functions and responsibilities within the Association. |
Article VI.2.1 Election 1 The Executive Committee shall be elected by the Staff Council from among its ordinary members, after each election of staff delegates. 2 The election of the Executive Committee shall be held by a majority list block vote in accordance with the provisions set out in the Rules of the Staff Council. 3 Each candidate list must nominate one person as a candidate for the position of President of the Staff Association. This person must have been a member of the Staff Council for at least one year on the date on which the candidate list is submitted. |
Article VI.2.2 Verification and monitoring by the Electoral Commission 1 The Electoral Commission ensures the smooth running of the Executive Committee election process. 2 The Electoral Commission checks the composition and compliance of the lists of candidates for the Executive Committee with the criteria set out in these Statutes. It shall inform the Staff Council of the validity of each list before the opening of the elections. 3 In the event of non-compliance with these criteria, the Electoral Commission will ask the candidate for the post of President concerned to adjust the composition of their list, insofar as this is objectively possible. 4 If no solution can be found, the Staff Council may, after a reasoned debate and on the basis of the Electoral Commission's report, decide by a qualified majority vote to approve a non-compliant list. Failing this, the Staff Council may decide, by a second qualified majority vote, to extend the candidacy period (which automatically entails a delay in the election process) and to re-examine the situation at the end of this extension. If none of these options is adopted, the non-compliant list is declared null and void. |
New article defining the tasks of the Electoral Commission with regard to executive committee elections, in order to
Article VII.1.1 Subject matter and procedure Five working days shall pass between the sending of the electronic mail opening the vote, accompanied by any necessary explanation, the date by which they must be returned and the closing date for voting. |
Compliance with current practice |
Article VIII.1.1 Composition and election 1 The ordinary General Assembly shall elect each year, from among the staff members of the Association, an election committee composed of at least three scrutineers, at least one of whom must be a staff. The Committee takes its decisions by a majority of its members. |
The increase in the minimum number of scrutineers on the Electoral Commission is justified by a desire for greater diversity in its composition, to compensate for absences and to limit conflicts of interest. |
Article VIII.1.2 Competencies 1 The Electoral Commission is the only body competent to supervise and validate the various election processes within the Association. It is responsible for:
2 In addition to the above, it shall be responsible for :
3 In the event of a dispute concerning an election process, a decision shall be taken by the Electoral Commission by a unanimous vote of its members, or failing that, by all the members of the Staff Council by a qualified majority vote. |
Article XII.1.1 Statutes These Statutes shall enter into force on dd/mm/yyy.1 1 The date will be set by the Staff Council by delegation from the General Assembly |
A footnote was added and the date of entry into force of the amended version was entrusted to the Staff Council in order to avoid an exceptional General Assembly. Any amended version of the Statutes approved by a General Assembly must be presented to the Director general. |