Staff delegates: representatives of all the Organization's members of personnel

As already announced in the previous ECHO, in October of this year, elections will be held for your staff delegates for the 2022-2023 term.
To take part in the vote and choose your representatives, you must, if you are not yet a member, join the Staff Association.
Become a member, it is still time to join, especially since membership for the 2021 calendar year is free as of 1st September.
How is the election of staff representatives of CERN conducted?
Any member of the personnel, whether staff, fellow or associate, who is also a member of the Staff Association and wishes to become involved in the Staff Council, is invited to submit an application until 15 October at 5 p.m.
You will then have three weeks, from 25 October to 15 November, to vote in order to elect your representatives.
Elections Timetable
- Tuesday 14 September - Call for applications
- Friday 15 October, at 5.00 p.m. - Closing date for receipt of the application
- Monday 25 October, at noon - Start date for voting
- Monday 15 November, at noon - Closing date for voting
- Tuesday 23 November and Tuesday 7 December - Publication of the results in Echo
- Monday 29 and Tuesday 30 November - Staff Association Assizes
- Tuesday 7 December - First meeting of the new Staff Council and election of the new Executive Committee
Elections organization
The CERN Staff Association Statutes provide in Article V.2.3:
- Staff delegates representing staff members shall be elected by members of the Association of the Electoral College to which they belong, in accordance with the Rules for Election ruled by the Staff Council.
- The distribution of seats to be filled shall be determined in accordance with the Rules for Election. This distribution must guarantee a fair representation between the different organic units and categories of staff.
- Staff delegates representing non staff members shall be elected in accordance with the Rules for Election ruled by the Staff Council.
The Electoral Commission determined the number of seats to be held in the Electoral Colleges as follows:
The voting procedure will be monitored by the Election Committee, which is also in charge of announcing the results in ECHO on 23 November and 7 December.
Join and vote, it is the least you can do for your Organization, for your colleagues’ members of the personnel.
Get involved for your Organization, for your colleagues in your Electoral College, for CERN members of the personnel and, more generally, for the CERN community!
Become a delegate!